Marigold - Flower of the Month for October

October's Birth Flower is the Marigold.  Their warm and cheerful colors are long lasting in the Autumn garden and signify Affection and Grace.
Cindy Rippe's Crown Fold with Marigolds from a previous post.
The botanical name, Calendula officinalis, refers to the latin word for calendar.  Calendula means "the first day of the month" and they say that the marigold blooms on the first day of the month.  (I'm not sure about that, once mine bloom there are new flowers every day)  Early Christians called them Mary's Gold, and placed them by statues of the Virgin Mary. 

They have medicinal qualities, are used by gardeners as an insect repellent, and by cooks as a spicy seasoning.  Their bright colors are used to make brilliant dyes for fabrics, cosmetics and foods according to 1st in

Photo credits: - orchidflowers.wordpress -
Marigolds are said to symbolize sorrow or sympathy.  I prefer to think of that as being sorry that summer is coming to an end but their bright and cheerful colors are happy soaking up the Autumn sunshine while it lasts.

The hidden meaning of the Marigold during the Victorian era was "My thoughts are with You."

"There ought to be gardens for all months in the year, in which, severally, things of beauty may be then in season."   Sir Francis Bacon

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! Love learning the history of the marigold from you (and I took 4 years of Latin in high school, so I love that reference, too)!

    So nice to meet you through BYW.
    All the best,
    Mary C. Nasser Art Blog


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