A visit to The Kintner House Inn for Lunch

I enjoyed a pleasant visit to The Kintner House Inn, a charming Bed and Breakfast in Corydon, Indiana, for lunch recently and thought you'd like to check it out.  You might want to stay there someday or join them for a bite to eat in the Tea Room.
The Kintner House Inn, Corydon, IN
 This historic Inn has 15 guest rooms, lovingly restored and decorated each with a different theme.  There are photos and descriptions of each one on the web site.   The Family and Staff were very attentive and worked hard to make our visit special.

The building has been restored to meet the guidelines for the National Register of Historic Places. They've succeeded in creating a lovely and peaceful Bed and Breakfast in Downtown Corydon.
The Kintner House Inn - Cindy Rippe - Art in Entertaining
Front Porch Swing at Kintner House Inn - Cindy Rippe - Art in Entertaining
A front Porch Swing and
Rocking Chairs at Kintner House Inn - Cindy Rippe - Art in Entertaining
a pair of Rocking Chairs invite you to relax and enjoy your visit.

As one of a group of Artists attending the Mary Jo Leisure Design Seminar at Cheri Rol's Studio, this was a nice little side trip during a very inspirational week.  We enjoyed the time together developing friendships and getting to know each other a little better.

It is around the table that friends understand best, the warmth of being together.  -Unknown
More about our lunch and visit tomorrow!


  1. Cindy this is great . I was reliving our wonderful experience.
    What a delightful day that was. I am anxiously waiting to read the rest of the story.

  2. Cindy, That was great. I enjoyed reliving our wonderful experience. Thanks for sharing. Now I can't wait to read the rest of the story. Mary JO


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